Architects, engineers and developers are increasingly building green structures – and doing so in a more literal way than ever before…

When Trees Meet Buildings

When trees and buildings meet, it can create a beautiful and harmonious relationship. Trees can provide shade, improve air quality, and enhance the aesthetics of a building’s surroundings. However, it’s important to carefully plan and maintain this relationship to ensure that the trees do not cause damage to the buildings and that the buildings do not hinder the growth of the trees. Proper planning, regular maintenance, and collaboration between architects, landscape designers, and arborists are essential for successful integration of trees and buildings.


When trees and buildings are properly integrated, they can create a sustainable and visually appealing environment. By considering factors such as tree selection, placement, and maintenance, the relationship between trees and buildings can be mutually beneficial and enhance the overall quality of the built environment.


Q: How can trees and buildings coexist without causing damage?

A: Proper planning, regular maintenance, and collaboration between architects, landscape designers, and arborists are essential for successful integration of trees and buildings.

Q: What are the benefits of integrating trees and buildings?

A: Trees can provide shade, improve air quality, and enhance the aesthetics of a building’s surroundings, while buildings can provide support and protection for trees.


  1. @jajaja4118 1 year ago

    it's obvious that plants improve wellbeing, so it's really a no brainer, we should transform our cities into lush forests.

  2. @emha917 1 year ago


  3. @edsonreis3725 1 year ago

    Go outside north hemisphere world and see Cidade Matarazzo Project in São Paulo, Brazil.

  4. @Megaobras_ 1 year ago


  5. @KikRogerz 1 year ago


  6. @maxsavage3998 1 year ago

    Why arent these promoted more? There should be billions of views instead of effen beaver and druck

  7. @oldfarmer9004 1 year ago

    There’s a tree growing along the sidewalk that has buckled up the sidewalk so it’s kind of cracked. They said it’s from the tree’s roots. Could this happen with the eco building’s structural components?

  8. @danieb4273 1 year ago

    The percentage of these buildings is disgustingly low. Not to mention corporations like Walmart aren't even going to plant a goddamn tree in their parking lot.

  9. @bart_u 1 year ago

    LOL. This is naive symbolic greenwashing. Plugging some plants on a facade doesn't change anything substantial. It's still all concrete, robbing sand from nature, wasting resources, lots of "hightech", stuff that needs to be replaced every couple years… Highly unsustainable. Lowtech traditional buildings are so, so, SO much better in every aspect for the planet and us.

  10. @habor82 1 year ago


  11. @user-ev1bd8qy7d 1 year ago

    beautiful depictions of our planet’s potential to embrace nature! Its imperative to educate ourselves again about new approaches to sustaining trees and plants in our modern dwellings! Future is here now…

  12. @snowwhite-jt9cj 1 year ago

    ☁️We need have more trees 🌳make Green environment friendly city♻️🌞

  13. why aren't they putting the trees inside the building?

  14. @ln9119 1 year ago

    Did someone tell the archetechs that tree roots can be problematic to concrete? Just wait until a high wind tears branches out … and into nearby windows. Rolling my eyes at this. Better off planting flowers and food bearing plants. The higher up ones might be above the pollution, but I am not sure.

  15. @RC-fi4ix 1 year ago

    Looks awful and smothering

  16. @saranbhatia8809 1 year ago

    Way forward 👍

  17. @ponyrang 1 year ago

    Wow, My best friend, Thank you for your hard work in making the video. I enjoyed the good video. Have a happy day.

  18. You don’t need to hire frivolous architects, just buy some planters and plant trees on balconies and roofs

    Are you trying to help the environment as best you can? Or are you trying to market and profit off of “green architecture”?

  19. @mkevin84 1 year ago

    is there a updated video to this now? more content like is much appceciated

  20. @shelleynozomi4486 1 year ago

    this is called Solar Punk

  21. @samuelluria4744 1 year ago

    2:37 minutes in, and this utterly nauseating voice has me clicking away from an otherwise interesting video.

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