Can innovative design help us survive in more extreme conditions in the future? For more videos from BBC Reel, go to: …
Architects have designed a glass house specifically for the desert, featuring large windows and an open floor plan to maximize natural light and air circulation. The house also includes features such as solar panels and a water recycling system to minimize its environmental impact.
The glass house designed for the desert showcases innovative architecture that embraces the harsh conditions of the environment. Its sustainable features make it an ideal choice for living in the desert.
1. How does the glass house maximize natural light and air circulation?
The house features large windows and an open floor plan to allow natural light in and promote air circulation.
2. What sustainable features does the house include?
The house has solar panels and a water recycling system to minimize its environmental impact.
people who live in a glass house change their clothes in the basement.
BBC, always pushing the fraudulent CO2 scare.
Yes, the 0.8° increase in global temperatures since 1900 has affected me horribly. I don't know what I'm going to do if temperatures rise another 0.5°.
Maybe it’s just me, but, I was expecting more detail on the design, the materials, and the construction.
Very interesting looking house and location.
Poor birds.
Curious how much each one of those pieces of glass are.
Pretty cool. Love the desert
Can you make detail video of interior
Where do they teach these City people to talk so artsy-fartsy speak so artsy-fartsy. Add some Panama hump hump bar. They should sell crazy to someone else we're all stocked up here.
They did not show the house!!!
After 3 years, please give an update for us pessimists.
It really doesn't say much at all. Barely anything about the technologies used, or how to get a house built like this yourself, the name of the glass used, details about HOW or IF the temperature was kept low, and what about during the night, the desert can get cold also. It managed to have a whole video which communicates almost zero information. It is very shoddy reporting. I know I could do better and I'm not even a reporter.
Weave solar panels into the glass. .. to run an air conditioner!
Is this the one off black mirror?
Time to put my 6th grade Spanish to use; QUE?
Oh my gosh just me here and the sunset
What happens when you need to go poop?
It’s worried that video doesn’t have subtitles for the language other than English. I’m here because I thought it’s in English.
the staircase with handrails kills it.
This whole project is out of touch!!!