“President Obama will sign an executive order on Thursday that will formally establish a task force to review police practices …

Obama Takes Bold Step To Address Aggressive Police Tactics

President Obama has announced a series of executive actions aimed at addressing aggressive police tactics, following a number of high-profile incidents in which unarmed black men were killed by police officers.

Some of the key measures include the establishment of a task force to study the use of military equipment by local law enforcement, as well as a request for additional funding for police body cameras.

Obama also emphasized the need for better training and oversight within police departments, and called for a reevaluation of the use of force by officers.


President Obama’s actions represent a significant step towards addressing the issue of aggressive police tactics and improving relations between law enforcement and communities of color.


1. What prompted President Obama to take action on this issue?

Several high-profile incidents of police violence against unarmed black men prompted the President to take action on this issue.

2. What specific measures did President Obama announce?

President Obama announced the establishment of a task force to study the use of military equipment by local law enforcement, a request for additional funding for police body cameras, and emphasized the need for better training and oversight within police departments.


  1. @MrMentholSlim 1 year ago

    Cops should only use weapons if they're life is at risk, if you cannot handle yourself hand to hand, don't be a cop.

  2. @fabia.2415 1 year ago

    Go you fucking liberals….

    jesus I truly hate those fucking bastards

  3. well now, we are supposed to just trust the police chief  and some politicians to reccomend this huge problem of police  brutality all over the country. i dont know. it would have been nice  if he had a  press conferance  about the subject. the cops are so out of controle with brutality on children , teens, old men , old woman, its instant death to protest      police misconduct on your person

  4. @Feeltheh8 1 year ago

    Lee Camp says the head of this force is a very corrupt cop.

  5. @Mike60606 1 year ago

    Obama needs to keep his hands off local police departments. That's all I need is for Obama, Holder, and Sharpton meddling in my local police department. How bout this? Why don't police just stop going into black neighborhoods? Then they won't have to worry about cops shooting their innocent 18 year old man children.

  6. @steveo288 1 year ago

    Body cams, costing millions to put one on every cop, will surely help. When it happens, we will start to see excuses why the cams were not on. It happens today, in departments that have body cams. I also read that complaints against police have dropped over 50% in cities that have the cams. Cops have shut off dash cams, tho. With body cams, it will be much easier to shut them down. "Ok, officer, why was your camera not on?" "Oh, it must have been damaged during the struggle." It's bound to happen.

    Just as it happens today with editing dash cams after going thru Internal Affairs, they can and will edit body cams. IMO, Internal Affairs should be abandoned. Independent committees should investigate all complaints. Scenario:  A cop illegally detains a person open carrying, demands ID and takes their gun away, all on the basis of a call about a suspicious person. What's your only option? Go to the cops to file a complaint against another cop. Right. Good luck on that. Can you say "Unfounded"? I knew you could.

  7. @viiksters 1 year ago

    its 2014 and ppls are still talking about race 🙁

  8. @TheSuave101 1 year ago

    This is good. I dont think all cops are bad. Majority a of cops are good workers and they serve and portect. Now does that mean that all cops are good? No Im sure theres a small group of them that are bad, corrupt and they dont do there job right. So thats why this task force was made. This is a good move. Lol hopefully the task force doesnt become corrupt.

  9. @alxofficial1541 1 year ago

    all you closeted racists on here make me fucking sick

  10. @justjanice7265 1 year ago

    Of course President Obama will follow thru. As much as the right-wing complains about executive orders, he wrote one concerning this.

  11. @STAXONDECK1 1 year ago

    I think the main thing is stopping the racist war on drugs

  12. @874Chipmunks 1 year ago

    Lol I'm sorry but treyvon Martin and Mike Brown attacked the wrong men those days that they were shot and deserved exactly what they got just look at the police reports.. Simple as that. Not a troll just being honest America is flawed. Wake up America

  13. @fedenrgmax9817 1 year ago

    The agenda for a one world totalitarian government by the Bilderbergers, Illuminati and other secret groups is near. In their desperation they continue to turn up the fear and ignorance to stop us all from working together towards a better world. Let's put the final nail in their coffins and say no to their dark agenda!

  14. @SonofTheMostHigh23 1 year ago

    Cenk I am a Black American. I am an American citizen by BIRTH. I did NOT immigrate here from some random country in Africa. White people who were born in this country are Americans. Black people who were born in this country are Americans also. Why are Black people supposed to be relegated to the status of immigrants aka "African_Americans" and White people who are the descendants of Europeans who arrived here in 1620 are referred to as simply "Americans"? Without me going into all of the details many of which are common sense about this false and discriminatory attempt to reclassify Black Americans – you can already tell that something is absolutely WRONG with this picture. I am NOT an immigrant. I was born in the United States thus my nationality is American. My race is Black. I am a Black Man. I am a proud Black American. I am NOT an "African American".  

  15. @uptownnayrob 1 year ago

    Make a 4 year degree mandatory and up the age requirement. Maturity, social skills and intelligence plays a huge part in decision making with any job. Young people in their early 20's rarely naturally possess the ability to have rational judgment calls.

  16. @yukowl 1 year ago

    The police have been found to have "done nothing wrong" in recent times when it comes to killing unarmed people so why the need for a review….

  17. @cenelind 1 year ago

    Maybe we should just call all the police brown-shirts.   Cuz that will help, right?

  18. @RebornLegacy 1 year ago

    This will be good for blacks, whites, Latinos and Asians. We need to reduce police brutality for all. 

  19. @Namman94 1 year ago

    The point of this video is not because of race, age, or sex. The reason he puts out the task force is the action the police takes before even thinking of the suspect. Even innocent or not they would rather shoot to kill before restraining the person and taking away the weapon, if they even have one. So, whats the point of police if we all are scared of our so call protectors. And racial profiling is a big factor in this even though it's not the biggest reason for the task force, it's to protect us all, any race from being subjugated to death before a trial of justice. What if a white man was dead in NY or Ferguson, would you then take it serious, open your minds before you come up with opinions that doesn't match the situation. 
    Also, i agree with hcheyne, with his/her comment stating A black guy does not lose the right to the same due process because the cop is more scared of them. We all should get the same treatment whether the age, ethnicity, or sex, if this is so. And many would not agree with that, and it is true we shouldn't agree to it, its wrong, so don't think less of it because it was a black man or black child because before you know it it can be you, your family or anybody in this country dead because of a man in uniform not preforming his position to regulations, just taking the situation in his own hands. Just take this situation to heart and begin thinking your child, your husband, family, sibling, or loved ones was the one in this due process, what would you think. Probably the same as we think its just this one race that is subdued to this horror, so don't look the other way, take things into action, say its wrong before it happens we could change the deaths due to wrong then looking the other way and thinking its okay because its not you that's taking this lost. 

  20. @cne08 1 year ago

    Good for you Obama.

  21. It seems like the people making up this task force would be too sympathetic to the police. Won't they be too conservative in their "suggestions"? I really think the government should establish a Police Investigation Bureau that is completely separate from the police (NOT "internal" investigations). That way, they have no reason to sympathize with the cops and let them get away with things.

  22. Hi TYT can you get Sam Schacher onto the show? She's intelligent, charismatic and awesome. A lot of the viewers would like her a lot.

  23. @SuperMario1063 1 year ago

    Ooooooooo….they will give them a list of recommendations to Obama who is now in his lame duck term with a Republican Congress….that will help address the police state against the American people!! LOL!!! Whatever….

  24. @paulrossi4912 1 year ago

    yo turk whats w/ the Y on your chest…?…O…they should make them stand down every other time at the shooting range, to get used to not shooting

  25. @theloonymonk949 1 year ago

    Why does it have to take a long time for the cops to reform their criminal activities?   That's a ridiculous statement by Ben.    I tell how it can be reformed.  End the war on drugs & fire the criminals.

  26. @raved2death 1 year ago

    People argue and bicker over white cop, black victim when it shouldn't be an issue over race. Life is unfair, these things happens. But instead of making this an us versus them thing (blacks vs whites) why not the people versus the police? I know I'm gonna get trolled heavy because the internet is full of people who voice illogical thinking. But you can get more done by working with everyone. Yes, some won't understand the struggles that some blacks must face. But we do not make it easier on ourselves. Instead of yelling out worldstar on every video that is recorded, why not record yourselves saying your rights and acknowledging that you know them? Why not just use your right to remain silent instead of popping off at the mouth? Your Miranda rights works well before being arrested! It is because of this, that I myself do not face an issue when confronted by the police. We can stand here and argue with them, while charges keep getting added on, but why not be smart about it and just cooperate (this goes for everyone) and show your ID, remain silent, and be on your way? The hero is dead, so don't try to be one as well…

  27. @XtremePh33rz 1 year ago

    Great, with these camera we'll be able to see future Mike Browns attempt to take an officers gun by tackling him into his own car. We can also disprove all those biased and racist "witnesses" who swore by the good lord that the thug was doing nothing wrong.

  28. @SmegInThePants 1 year ago

    also, a way the-average-person can help is to start paying attention to local politics, especially if you are black.   The county sheriff you elect, for instance, in the very next election could completely change how your local sheriff deputies treat you.  Why wait for some task force w/no authority over your local deputies to maybe try ineffectually to do something, when you can just put in someone better in the very next election.

    Your county prosecutor in many states is elected and works hand in hand w/cops, and can be part of the problem or part of the solution.  Did you elect someone who will stand up to cops when needed and charge a cop w/a crime as needed, and w/appropriate zeal?  (its a tough position to be in as a prosecutor often needs the cooperation of cops in order to do his job, so even if a prosecutor wants to, it can seem like a huge risk to anger them by going after one of them, then they might buddy up and refuse to help you in your prosecutions anymore, 'accidentally' losing evidence, not remembering what they saw anymore, etc….  He's really the wrong person to be put in charge of going after them, but there ya go, so ya better elect someone w/some cajones). 

    Your mayor is elected, and in some cases has some authority over police, some times the chief-of-police answers directly to your mayor.  Is your mayor adequately policing your local police? City councils, same thing.  Depends on your locality and how its organized of course.  A lot of variety out there in city/county gov't structure. 

    County sheriff's, at least in my neck of the woods, are elected, and of course this person has a huge impact on how the county portion of your local law enforcement behaves, controlling all your sheriff's deputies.  Even if you can't get your police under control, maybe you can get your sheriff's office under control.

    Judges are often elected, and have an obvious role to play in such matters.

    Ask yourself, can you name your county prosecutor, your judges, your sheriff, your city councilman, your mayor?  If not, then no wonder they don't care what you think, they can treat you however they want and still get re-elected, because you won't vote in local elections, or if you do you'll just vote for the one w/the (R) after their name if you're republican, or a (D) if you're democrat, w/out knowing anything about them other than that.  So why should they care about currying favor w/you?  They can encourage the cops to treat you badly, to shoot you, and you'll just be mad at the cops, and they'll still get re-elected.  The racists are voting.  Can your friends name any of the people holding such offices?   If not, lecture them a bit, especially around voting time.  Do the hard work for them so they know who to vote against because you told them who was in charge when such and such incident happened and just make sure they don't vote for so and so, and make sure they vote.  Hand out flyer's even, 'so and so was in charge when the police shot so and so, vote him out!' or 'so and so was the prosecutor who couldn't even get an indictment of all things, vote him out!'.  If people organized, instead of a protest, a voter turnout for local elections w/police issues in mind, they'd make a huge huge difference come election time, way way more of a difference than any federally created task force that has no direct authority over most police anyhow, most police paychecks come out of state coffers.   Heck, run yourself for one of these positions, if you qualify. 

    TLDR:  When people don't pay attention to local politics, or vote just based on which name  has a (D) or an (R) after it, then those elected in to positions such as judges, county sheriffs, county prosecutors, mayor, and city councilman have little reason to care what you think or how the police are treating you, as they just gotta make sure they keep the party happy so they can keep that (D) or (R) after their name on your ballot so that you'll vote for them regardless of how they've been neglecting you. 

  29. @minsmama 1 year ago

    In other words, they're doing nothing. Here's why. Academia has known for a long time what departments need to do, and so has the Department of Justice. So, in other words, this panel is going to look into things that are already well-known by the DOJ and criminal justice academia. The only function this serves is to make it LOOK like he's doing something. "Hey, let's research what's already been well-known for over 20 years…" Good going, Obama. Way to look out for us!

  30. @graycat8393 1 year ago

    An Obama task force.  Wow, that will be useful. (See Simpson-Bowles) The "task force" is just so someone can quote him on it in the future.  What is more likely is that he will sign an Executive Order that all offenders must be presented before his majesty for judgement and sentencing.  

  31. This isn't rocket science US, tighten your gun control and you won't have cops with twitchy trigger fingers. When you have cops going to work wondering "Is today the day I get shot?" The obvious tag line is "not if I shoot them first." TYT can bitch about the racism and stereotyping, but why not do a study comparing the ethnic groups that shoot police. Is a police officer most likely to be shot by a white person or someone from an ethnic minority? Likewise, if they work in predominantly black community, this will also skew figures.

  32. @Dennisjay9 1 year ago

    One of the only things Obama has done. Say what you will but I don't think Mitt would do anything like this or give a shit.

    An outside task force that looks into the cops is the most stupidly obvious thing ever.

  33. @xxdonaldqxxx 1 year ago

    The sheep don't realize that this is really being used as an excuse for a giant federal police department that will take over all local police departments.This will be a military style take over.Has anyone ever noticed local police answer to the feds but the feds never answer to anybody? Blaming white people for all the problems in the United States will have the same outcome that blaming the Jews did in Germany before world war two.Find a scapegoat then use it as an excuse to come to the rescue with a giant bureaucracy that takes away the rights of the citizens.Our brave progressive fearless leader will come to the rescue.With a nation full of dopes who fall for this shit a federal take over should really be a piece of cake.Lets give the idiots and criminals an excuse to cause problems in large cities so we can move in and HELP.If people can't get along we'll come to the rescue.The idiots who loot and riot never get the fact that they are helping to set up a fascist state dictator.

  34. @Inklebonker1 1 year ago

    Might just be a doubter but I doubt this will do any good. 

  35. Black comments= yes we need this for the cops stop the hate against blacks

    White comments (not apply to all but most who each fox)= this video is race baiteing there are no problems with the police and raceism isn't even a thing anymore all my white friends told me

  36. @ivs8535 1 year ago

    Black people fight for better cops and laws why do white people get so mad and racist about it white people just be mad over dumb shit
    so praying to your white God ain't helping you should get on your knees and pray hard shit pray so hard he jizz some blessings on you

  37. @Disthron 1 year ago

    The LA riots were in 93? Man, that wasn't that long ago.

  38. is it not a poverty issue?

  39. @JuanCarlos30000 1 year ago

    Cenk you are so naive

  40. @snpaa 1 year ago

    A few boot lipped thugs get whats coming to them and now they want to start a witch hunt against the police?

    I think that we should stop sending the law enforcement to there areas,then we start giving all these "oppressed minorities " guns and let them police there own neighborhoods.   I don't see why politicians haven't proposed this idea before, it's a win win on each side .

  41. @niteme 1 year ago

    HEY!  This is one of my idears!  Well, oh well a bit less for me to do.  It won't stop me from going undercover personally.  Maybe there will be a broken wheel to fix?  Who the fuck knows.  Great shit!  This new program to check out police stations.  Can you check out Orland Park, Illinois Police?  That last one was to Obama n friends.  :3   Nice!  It's a start.


  42. @justinphillips6739 1 year ago

    the police dont need to be reformed its people that need to learn to respect people that protect them whats next striping them of their fire arms and replace them with foam bats another executive order to ruin America

  43. @rickeyt423 1 year ago

    Soo he's getting the police to police the police? Barry, your cowardice has to cease and desist. 

  44. @bigraviolees 1 year ago

    Brown victory post mortem. The I love Wilson crowd still misses the big picture and winds of change are coming. Racism, bravado horeshit and killing fools thinking they are rambo cops are out and no doubt the close ties with Prosecutors and police will be remedied also

  45. @nontheistdavid 1 year ago

    What can be done to reform the police force? Quit hiring fucking racist psychopaths.

    If these cams become  part of the regulations then cops who turn them off at any time should be fired on the spot.

  46. @rollingcan 1 year ago

    Well you know, you can start off by not giving pay vacation to police who needlessly shoot me.

  47. @WarCloud20 1 year ago

    Sounds like a bunch of bullshit.

  48. @titusorelius9458 1 year ago

    Task Force will not accomplish A GODDAMN THING.  This is nothing but more empty bullshit from a lying snake of a president pretending to be a "progressive".

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