Oh boy are we back in awe thanks to MCProHosting for sponsoring this series! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get…

In this episode of Minecraft Ragnamod, the player focuses on obtaining a powerful new pickaxe known as the Big Pick. The player gathers the necessary resources and uses the Arc Furnace to create the Big Pick, which grants them increased mining speed and efficiency. The player then tests out the new pickaxe by mining various ores and resources, showcasing its powerful capabilities. Overall, the episode highlights the importance of obtaining powerful tools and equipment in order to progress in the game.


This episode emphasizes the significance of obtaining powerful tools and equipment, such as the Big Pick, in order to improve efficiency and productivity in the game. Additionally, it showcases the player’s dedication to gathering resources and utilizing game mechanics to enhance their gameplay experience.


1. What is the Big Pick and how does it benefit the player?
The Big Pick is a powerful pickaxe that grants increased mining speed and efficiency, allowing the player to gather resources more effectively.

2. Where can the necessary resources for the Big Pick be obtained?
The resources for the Big Pick, such as ores and metals, can be found by mining in various locations throughout the game world.

3. What is the Arc Furnace and how is it used to create the Big Pick?
The Arc Furnace is a machine used to smelt and refine ores into ingots, which are then used to create advanced tools and equipment, including the Big Pick.


  1. @kadywheeler8235 1 year ago

    The nap talk. I work two swing then three Grace shifts and then have to days off. Really one and a half days off. Naps save my life

  2. @WarlockEthan 1 year ago

    Jardon: "Humans have never made a mistake."
    9/11: "Am I a joke to you…"

  3. @captianbacon 1 year ago

    dieing to the final boss of twili forest classic

  4. @captianbacon 1 year ago

    3 two-hour naps are far supeiror to 1 long nap

  5. @wdvorak 1 year ago

    Would you like yellow cake uranium to go with your Fugu?

  6. @shadowking11700 1 year ago

    Captain P33N is the best addition to this serious thus far

  7. @lavender3609 1 year ago

    36:13 When Jordan was looking for the queen and X33N said "R.I.P," I thought he was saying that because of Queen Elizabeth, but then I realized this was uploaded in August.
    This was streamed & uploaded before she died.

    Nice foreshadowing there, X33N

  8. @richardkelsey7737 1 year ago

    That yeti absolutely did NOT see that coming. He didn't even have the slightest chance

  9. @Brenilla 1 year ago

    I’m surprised jardon has not mentioned the purple plus green that is the ceiling. Anyways, the color pallet is atrocious but it’s at least somthing

  10. @dragonkitty1643 1 year ago

    i really like the purpur, so i like xeen's contrary mode.

  11. @AbhishKernerVids64 1 year ago

    Yeah the bees give more of the honeycombs and enjoying alot

  12. @jakesume 1 year ago

    They use uranium rods not pellets

  13. @user-vg3cj9cu9o 1 year ago

    1:16:00 GOD was in the video

  14. @user-sg5ii6zy1q 1 year ago

    I just noticed the thumbnail. Based

  15. @Transformers2Fan1 1 year ago

    50:48 – love that the body despawned same time as the backpack fed you

  16. @Transformers2Fan1 1 year ago

    18:19 – I love and hate naps; I know it'll fix the sleepy; I know I will feel groggy and uncomfortable for hours

  17. @Transformers2Fan1 1 year ago

    … I just realized why cooking Villager Noses gives Slimeballs…

  18. @Noeabe 1 year ago

    Is Yellowcake more radioactive than bananas?

  19. @Noeabe 1 year ago

    Weather in California?
    Used to have seasons, Now CA just gets Summer for 273 days & Autumn for 92 days.
    Spring & Winter quit in 2019

  20. @Allepachian_Shosh 1 year ago

    Watching Catpain's intro in slow motion is so funny.

  21. @serial5915 1 year ago

    Dont map and fly jardon 1:18:10

  22. @godlynewbie 1 year ago

    the at least 1 death an episode is no longer petes thing cap does it with a massive bang lol

  23. @blaketesch7400 1 year ago

    Thank you for a great video guys

  24. @omegapapaya298 1 year ago

    i LOVE the purpur SOOO much pls replace all the grass blocks in your world with purpur

  25. @omegapapaya298 1 year ago

    xeen.. you have won this battle. but i will win the war

  26. @PiRhoManiacYTP 1 year ago

    this is a comment to boost your video in the algorithm

  27. @aka1021 1 year ago

    can't believe mcprohosting still sponsor people, I thought they don't sponsor people anymore

  28. @N7Knights 1 year ago

    56:43 Big pick energy

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