MCS 24 Ultimate Madden Bowl YouTube Here it comes! Tune in for the Madden 24 Ultimate Madden Bowl where…

Ultimate Madden Bowl | Day 1 | Madden Championship Series

The Ultimate Madden Bowl kicked off with an exciting Day 1 of the Madden Championship Series. The competition was fierce as top Madden players from around the world battled it out for the ultimate title. The event was filled with intense matches and jaw-dropping plays, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats.


Day 1 of the Ultimate Madden Bowl showcased the incredible skill and talent of the top Madden players. The competition was intense, and the level of gameplay was nothing short of spectacular. Fans can’t wait to see what Day 2 has in store.


Q: What is the Madden Championship Series?

A: The Madden Championship Series is a competitive gaming event featuring the top Madden players from around the world.

Q: How can I watch the Ultimate Madden Bowl?

A: Fans can watch the Ultimate Madden Bowl on the official Madden Championship Series website or through various streaming platforms.


  1. @user-rt3ou3uc7l 1 year ago

    Lmao so they turn off fatigue and watch glitch blitzs come in where your guys are like they don't see them. For a million dollars worth prize money lol this is funny too me

  2. @dauadahmed9593 1 year ago

    Cleff is such a bum

  3. @elijahruiz363 1 year ago

    I got Abram on Abram vs fancy

  4. @elijahruiz363 1 year ago

    It’s AB needa be in this competition he beat Henry

  5. @Bray3749 1 year ago

    In My humble opinion using regular teams in a tournament means so much more than souped up players in ultimate teams it takes so much away from the game

  6. @chrisrios7769 1 year ago

    How does the format work

  7. @leecharles8058 1 year ago

    I’m better

  8. @StFidjnr 1 year ago

    3:54:46 viewers on Twitch you know the drill by now

  9. @HT-sm9dm 1 year ago

    37:24 how is that not intentional grounding?

  10. @Derrickj2380 1 year ago

    I love madden. I hate watching these "pros". It's boring. First, on offense Can nobody win without using the same boring bunch formation? I haven't played madden in a while but can you not strafe on defense? I like watching the users on defense but if it's not a "click on" The users be running around with their backs to the play😂 the offensive user will change the everything about the play 100 times meanwhile on defense little to no single player adjustments or formation adjustments when you can literally see what the offense is going to do lol. I wish this tournament was centered around the madden online head to head instead of ultimate team. If it was I don't think any of these dudes would be who they are. Online head to head might not be "Flashy" like MUT but that is where the real skill is.

  11. @AgentKuava 1 year ago

    Wes knocked off Dez n Jon…… oh no

  12. So glad Wesley won. I hope everyone who booed him has 0 success in mcs. Henry is the only person allowed to boo someone.

  13. @popjackson9192 1 year ago

    Jon gotta stop all that rolling out every play

  14. @zzbeast2443 1 year ago

    The Wes and Jon game was by far the best match up I ever seen😂😂

  15. @StFidjnr 1 year ago

    42:56 wth is that tackle

  16. @StFidjnr 1 year ago

    26:10 the road to las vegas can really start

  17. @StFidjnr 1 year ago

    21:41 That is what 5 mcs tournaments is all about getting 14 mcs players to play for 1 ring

  18. @ChicagoPatriot123 1 year ago

    How TF did Dez fall off suddenly

  19. @chipjones8688 1 year ago

    Quick question- if this is MUT how come they have the same exact players on offense 👀🤔

  20. @user-oe6wm6pt4s 1 year ago

    I know Wesley didn’t roll his eyes come on mane ion know now 😹😹😹

  21. @Honeycawt 1 year ago

    Pack odd games just got banned in China EA your time is almost up with child gambling. Everyone knows house always wins. I was blown away when I saw 50 dollars for a chance at an Ltd. They rlly won’t give up this odds thing. Why wouldn’t you give the player an Ltd for 50 bucks??? EA needs pack odds so we keep gambling and losing to the house. Just like in real gambling casinos

  22. @BidenHasDementia 1 year ago

    Crazy how they still have championships for such a broken game. Prolly why you rarely see new faces in the scene.

  23. @IsabellaIsabellian 1 year ago

    Why is Jon so big? Is there a secret cheat code for player size in Madden?

  24. @313soulz 1 year ago

    why is jon so big

  25. @mrfamousamos9819 1 year ago

    Jon lowkey might have gotten hoed on that last play, his wr ran beind the line of scrimmage

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