Any kind of dust on venetian blinds or slatted shades can be a real pain! Cover hands with heavy cotton socks or cotton…

Easy Trick to Clean Venetian Blinds

Venetian blinds are a popular choice for window coverings, but they can be a bit tricky to clean. However, with a simple trick, you can have your blinds looking as good as new in no time.

Materials Needed:

  • Microfiber cloth
  • White vinegar
  • Water
  • Small bucket

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Close the blinds completely.
  2. Fill the small bucket with equal parts white vinegar and water.
  3. Dip the microfiber cloth into the vinegar and water mixture.
  4. Gently wipe each slat of the blinds with the damp cloth, starting from the top and working your way down.
  5. For any stubborn dirt or stains, you can use a soft-bristled brush or an old toothbrush to scrub gently.
  6. Once you have wiped all the slats, refill the bucket with clean water.
  7. Dip a clean part of the cloth into the water and wring it out.
  8. Go over each slat again with the damp cloth to rinse off any residue from the vinegar mixture.
  9. Finally, leave the blinds partially closed to allow them to air dry.


With this easy trick, you can effectively clean your Venetian blinds without much effort. The vinegar and water mixture helps to remove dirt and grime, while the microfiber cloth ensures a gentle cleaning process without damaging the slats. Remember to rinse off any residue with clean water to avoid leaving a vinegar smell.


1. Can I use any other cleaning solution instead of vinegar and water?

It is recommended to use vinegar and water as it is a natural and effective cleaning solution. Other cleaning solutions may contain chemicals that could potentially damage the blinds.

2. How often should I clean my Venetian blinds?

It is advisable to clean your blinds at least once every few months to prevent a buildup of dust and dirt. However, if you live in a particularly dusty environment, you may need to clean them more frequently.

3. Can I machine wash my Venetian blinds?

No, machine washing can damage the blinds. It is best to stick to the manual cleaning method mentioned above for optimal results.


  1. Vonnie 🇬🇧 11 months ago

    Brilliant idea . Thank you so much 😊

  2. AOz 11 months ago

    these aren’t venetian blinds. show me how to clean actual small venetian blinds

  3. Niamh Murphy 11 months ago


  4. Chris Caccamise 11 months ago

    I really enjoyed the 30 second intro to this 58 second video.

  5. VegansAreCannibals 11 months ago

    She fine af… So I'm not too mad about watching such a pointless fucking video.

  6. Naomi Pommerel 11 months ago

    nope! I want a quicker method/tool – I can work this one out myself!!

  7. tyedyejedi 11 months ago

    My Vietnamese blinds are covered in meth dust. How do I get it off but at the same time I want to save everything I collect so I can reach reuse it in my pipe. Plz help

  8. bob cl 11 months ago

    scok doesnt work on DIRtY ones

  9. Andrea W 11 months ago

    Dusting is NOT cleaning!! I was looking for a video to get grime and dirt off wooden venetians.

  10. Chris Baker 11 months ago

    Personally I would always have venetian blinds. They are so easy to clean.

  11. Harry Smith 11 months ago

    good tip if wooden blinds. Funny how she starts off in the intro with the aluminium venetians (got my attention) BUT then demonstrates on the wooden ones – the easier ones to do!!

  12. Joe Peroni 11 months ago

    I searched for this because I've got a "three-prong tong" microfibre cloth thing, & wasn't sure if I could WET it. But now I'll try a sock!

  13. Francine O'Neill 11 months ago

    I take them outside on the driveway to dry.

  14. Jeff Chapman 11 months ago

    We have had a lot of dust storms lately and my white 50mm pvc blinds were covered in a film of red powdery dust which turned to mud if wiped with wet rag ..after watching this I got my shop vacuum out , put on the brush fitting and put a sock over the end and just vacuumed them clean as a whistle it worked like a charm got right into where the strings go through .. only took about 5 mins each blind . My wife will be chuffed .. thanks for the tip …

  15. rush udhin 11 months ago

    Easy to remove the dust , try to remove the grease in kitchen.

  16. Francine O'Neill 11 months ago

    I have aluminium blinds, it is so much easier to take them down. I have a walk in shower, I place them in there apply some dish liquid, (just a squirt) then use a soft broom to wash them, followed by hosing them off with the shower. So quick and clean.

  17. DarthHater100 11 months ago

    Wow! What would I have done without this highly informative video?? Who would have thought to just wipe the dust off of Venetian blinds with a sock? Brilliant!

  18. T Adams 11 months ago

    Dryer sheet to repel dust. Good idea.

  19. Kiremithanem 11 months ago

    Such a big headage don't buy them..i have tried everything (i think) it's just so hard to keep them clean..waist of time.

  20. CiaranD 11 months ago

    Omg that is amazing, dear jezuz the stuff u watch on YouTube

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