What if we find a way to drain all of Earth’s oceans through some mysterious portal beneath the Mariana Trench?

Summary of What If We Drained the Oceans?


If we were to drain the oceans, it would have catastrophic consequences for the planet. The displacement of water would lead to drastic changes in climate, as well as the destruction of marine ecosystems and loss of biodiversity. Additionally, the global economy and food supply would be severely impacted. Ultimately, draining the oceans would be an irreversible and disastrous decision.


Draining the oceans would have far-reaching and devastating effects on the environment, economy, and food supply. It is important to protect and preserve the oceans for the well-being of all living beings on Earth.


Q: What are the potential consequences of draining the oceans?

A: The consequences include drastic climate changes, destruction of marine ecosystems, loss of biodiversity, and severe impact on the global economy and food supply.

Q: Is draining the oceans reversible?

A: No, draining the oceans would be an irreversible and disastrous decision with long-term consequences.


  1. @sufiyanhussain6040 1 year ago

    The first thing we can't drained total water of earth cuz we used 10% only of total water of earth till present and who knows this 10% always used in future
    And Vaporization of water into clouds and the rain this is water cycle so The water of earth are recycle again and again

  2. @user-hm1yg8xo1p 1 year ago

    Are you STUPID!

  3. @gummynate 1 year ago

    They say 100,000 years, but Earth might heat up to an average of 213 degrees F in 325 years, unless we do something about climate change. This statistic is very sad and if you want to make it better suggest carbon capture to your household to help combat climate change and save the environment. Plus, you could reuse the gas for other things around the house like stoves and ovens.

  4. @sargonofakkad860 1 year ago

    One day oceans to god: here is your delicately simmered earth with a pinch of sand and desert.

    Anything else sir?

  5. @Sajibmiah9557 1 year ago

    We drained the Aral sea

  6. @TheRoddysWorld 1 year ago

    Thalassophobia: Getting Defeated

  7. @bentleylinden9782 1 year ago

    With the Atlantic Ocean been drained, a RMS Titanic-sized liner would hit the bottom in 30 seconds and smash into tiny pieces. 1:17

  8. @kirilvelinov7774 1 year ago

    Lakes become new countries

  9. @Mayaherehk 1 year ago

    We don't need to get rid of all the ocean water. But only lower our sea level by 200 meters. We will get new lands.

  10. @praba4036 1 year ago

    hi moon lucky 1-numbers-@fail conducted eyebro-moonkey-save spin date years 2013-146-100-43-2-wroten 1-100*spin 2 sec world clockenjoys bringing Christmas 🎅 -nasa 0.4*wolrd sadness mood-praise

  11. @tribalgroupinc 1 year ago

    Hey bro, put them back.

  12. But with all the sea creatures out of the water, we can see if there was any Dara creatures existed Ike the megladon

  13. Good grief, I just wanted to see the Mariana Trench not murder everything, this is a very distasteful narrative dude

  14. What if venus was like earth someday and it's water has drained 😮😮😮😮

  15. @IncognitaEX 1 year ago

    What if we take all our water to Venus?

  16. @stephenpaul1371 1 year ago

    Only the evil will wish this ..think about that too have childrens not too enjoy the waters .Satan will want this too destroy God creations. But it will never happen .God want allow it.

  17. @Cojo_the_great. 1 year ago

    Pacific who?

  18. @ermac6466 1 year ago

    Depends how big the drain is and no pumps were used

  19. @kongiebeanie6488 1 year ago

    Our God made life on earth from water….

  20. @user-vh8jw2qh7f 1 year ago

    Travis Scott wouldn’t like that.

  21. @JM_1989 1 year ago

    But you said draining the ocean and not have it disappear in a snap that everything would fall on to the surface.

  22. @Nemoyummy 1 year ago

    Then we would be able to see what is at the very bottem of the ocean, and the marina trench

  23. @VengefulCowSpirit 1 year ago

    Oceans cause storms

  24. @dawnbaldwin5919 1 year ago

    Earth would end up like Mars, not Venus! Why? Because Venus is still evolving to support life, where Mars died after the balance between energy and matter stopped producing steam…. steam that created clouds that created rain, that created life. The sun was much bigger once upon at time, but she/he gave birth to all the planets in our solar system. The more planets the sun gave birth to, the less energy shined from the sun this happens in all creatures to some degree too✨️ thats why all the planets spritaul outwards from the sun you see, just like a shells grow in a spiral too 🐚 ✨️ some planets grow up to be gas giants like Saturn, and just like the structure of an egg and its middle being its weakest point , the build up of gas in her crust, caused a massive outward explosion that gave her the rings… … we humanity are an evolutionary species, designed by nature to take care of earth and the future of our planet, and one day, Mercury and Venus will be just like earth too. But we have to maintain the balance between energy and matter if we are to prevent earth dying like the moon and Mars. So there is much to plan and look forward to. 💜

  25. @Defensife 1 year ago

    We have Half-life lore here.

  26. @firmanhasnur3415 1 year ago

    maha besar Allah dengan segala ciptaannya

  27. @Almost_Mid 1 year ago

    I’m going to the beach in a couple days. Sure would suck if the ocean suddenly drained-

  28. @nickprice8907 1 year ago

    To think that Badlands once tried to chug the ocean. 💀

  29. @legionaireb 1 year ago

    This happened to Earth in the world of Warhammer 40,000. The circumstances of 'how' are unclear, but the entire planet DID desertify and breathable air exists only due to massive, barely understood atmospheric regulators. What water remains is carefully hoarded and much needs to be shipped in from off-planet.

  30. @mikeseitz9015 1 year ago

    So pretty much we’d all be fuc(ed

  31. @manostudog3222 1 year ago

    What if Badlands chugs the oceans?

  32. @rlavender9684 1 year ago

    what if we could create an afterlife of human consciousness downloaded on several massive servers

  33. @yeeerrrrrrr 1 year ago

    Lets not

  34. @Gameplay-tk5gx 1 year ago

    3 AM having snacks and watching this video

  35. @californiadoll6273 1 year ago

    Not IF….but WHEN, because at the rate our oceans are getting poisoned it wont be very long

  36. It makes us realize what an amazing planet we have, yet some of us continue to abuse it.

  37. @ProximaCentauri5.5 1 year ago

    The oceans: drained

  38. @luiscerecerres8465 1 year ago

    So your telling me, there's nothing positive that will happen

  39. @buddycharles26 1 year ago

    OceanGate do not need to conduct Titanic expeditions.

  40. @danielfausto757 1 year ago

    Can you do a What If “we cleaned all our oceans”

  41. I just want to see the seabed. And look at Titanic without dying.

  42. @demarcusbinion471 1 year ago

    The titanic can finally be lifted and that plane that nobody can find will be found

  43. @shohan5772 1 year ago

    So what about the changes in the atmosphere in the bottom of the oceans? Will the pressure still be the same or what?

  44. @04mach1speed 1 year ago

    Hundreds of thousands? I doubt it, with the incredible weight and force of the oceans, the water would go through the hole at insane speed. In my opinion it would only take a decade or 2, maybe less. Just my 2 cents

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