Glass, the first material produced artificially by man. This film tells part of the story of his discovery. In the great episode…

The documentary “Transparency through Ages: The 4000-Year Journey of Glass” explores the history and evolution of glassmaking over the centuries. It delves into the early origins of glass in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, and follows its development through the Roman, Islamic, and Renaissance periods. The documentary also highlights the technological advancements and artistic innovations that have shaped the glass industry, showcasing the impact of glass on architecture, art, and everyday life.


Through the ages, glass has played a significant role in human history and civilization. Its transformation from a rare and precious material to a versatile and ubiquitous substance speaks volumes about the ingenuity and creativity of mankind. The journey of glass reflects the continuous quest for innovation and beauty, making it a testament to human achievement.


Q: How did glassmaking evolve over time?
A: Glassmaking evolved from early techniques in ancient civilizations to more sophisticated methods and technologies in the modern era. The documentary provides a comprehensive overview of these developments.

Q: What impact has glass had on society?
A: Glass has had a profound impact on architecture, art, and industry, shaping the way we live and interact with the world around us. Its transparency and versatility have made it an essential material in various aspects of human life.

Q: What can be learned from the history of glass?
A: The history of glass offers valuable insights into the cultural, technological, and artistic advancements of different civilizations. It also highlights the enduring appeal and significance of craftsmanship in the production of glass.


  1. @jameswoodard2232 1 year ago

    Why not use English? It has a rich past tense… 'It was. Do we need an orchestra? Can't listen to the music. Can't concentrate on the narrative.

  2. @neXxsuss 1 year ago

    – should have touched on the lycurgus cup.

  3. @markgarin6355 1 year ago

    Invention? Occurs naturally

  4. the earth is flat plane, not a spinning ball. there is no "outer space".

  5. @Norfolk250 1 year ago

    Window isn't glass, window IS the hole in the wall ….. youuuuu IDJIT!!

  6. @maryjones8741 1 year ago

    This was really interesting. I must have said WOW 20X. I love this channel. Thank you for your hard work on it.

  7. @user-nt4zn3mz1g 1 year ago

    This was inspiring actually!

  8. @reekhavoc2932 1 year ago

    Ive always wanted to learn this and welding…..never too late, i guess….

  9. @trentpratt6187 1 year ago

    This is not a 4000 year old journey through glass this is nothing more than a current glass making technology documentary don't be fooled by the title

  10. @ntvans 1 year ago

    You failed to mention that ancient Greeks used glass lenses (katoptron,dioptron) to conduct astronomical observations. It does not start with Galileo..

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