In this installment of Training Tune Up, Dan Brokos takes us through another simple, but very important lesson in CQB tactics.
Training on clearing stairwells is essential for emergency responders to efficiently navigate through multi-story buildings. This training covers techniques for safely and quickly clearing stairwells in case of a fire, natural disaster, or other emergencies.
Clearing stairwells is a critical skill for emergency responders to have in order to effectively respond to emergencies in multi-story buildings. This training provides essential techniques and knowledge to ensure the safety of both responders and building occupants.
Q: What are the main challenges in clearing stairwells during emergencies?
A: The main challenges include limited visibility, potential obstructions, and the need to maintain communication and coordination with other responders.
Q: Is this training suitable for all levels of emergency responders?
A: Yes, this training can be tailored to different skill levels and is suitable for all emergency responders who may need to navigate multi-story buildings during emergencies.
Ha! The guy on the second floor is a b… bust. The guy is a bust.
I strongly dislike stairwells.
I was learning the ways
…. until this guy opened fire on this decoy as a black kid with braids .
this is like Saturday morning cartoons for the south lol. Also who keeps breaking into your house hahah
Okay but If I'm OpFor or a an actual bad guy, I'm not going to be where you placed the target, I'm going to be further around to the right (where you never even looked once during this demonstration) behind you and shoot you in the back, and all your friends one by one as they try to come up the stairs in this manner.
What about going downstairs with one side open stairwells where your legs will be the first thing exposed?
02:30 Why you gotta put a brother on there. Why!? lmao
Great video. thanks for posting. the only one i could find about stairwell.
Sir, you didn't bother to look 6 on top level let along cover it.
Being in recon, this is a horrible way to go up
This is always an ugly sitcho, however this is probably the best way to clear it. Nice
Our military really needs to learn how to snap shoot. Don’t care if ur gun is waiting for me pointed right at my head. I’ll be able to headcheck before they can pull the trigger. Then change level and pop out and get the dude. Look up speedsoft. Way more intense than any police training
You need a shield or a periscope
What about clearing the stair well and someone is peaking over the ledge directly over the entry to the stairwell, how would you go about addressing that somone is waiting to dome you the moment you take your first step onto the stair case just before you begin pying and addressing your corners, how would you address that overhead balcony assuming you have someone peering over the edge waiting for you to take one step into the stair well???
There is really no great way to approach this kind of ascent to a landing type area. The top of your head will always appear before you can engage so if there is someone up there waiting for you, you're screwed. It's all very well engaging a paper target but I've found it pretty much impossible IRL with live enemies without using flashbangs.
On furthest wall, your noggin is exposed long before your weapon can engage. Remember that.
First time I've seen anyone rocking the B&T. Expensive.
Good stuff. With the caveat that walls do not equal cover, if one is taking fire while moving up a stairwell, would it be recommended to just step toward the inside of the stairwell to gain concealment (and maybe cover)? That makes sense to me, whereas if you come under fire while already hugging the inside of the stairwell, you have to move backwards down the stairs which carries more risk of falling down as compared to moving laterally on the same step. Am I tracking or just pulling this out of my ass?
Yes slice thr pie, stay far away from thr corners so u can see thr enemies first
Outstanding video on reality. Bring the Fucking fight to THEM! However, the bad guy on that landing has the ability to move on you and that is a deficit. I would rather hug the wall at the bottom of the stairs and step to the other wall while climbing and back again. If YOU are going to be in the 'Fatal Funnel' you need to keep it moving. We call it the 'Tick Tock Approach'. Like a pendulum from one side to the other. The same with flat hallways. That's JMO.