Click this link for an updated list of our videos on stairs and stair building. This video will provide…
There are three simple examples of stringerless stairways that you can build. The first example uses a single piece of lumber that is cut and stacked to create the steps. The second example uses metal brackets to attach the steps to the wall, creating a floating stairway effect. The third example uses a combination of metal rods and wood to create a minimalist, open staircase design.
Stringerless stairways offer a sleek and modern design option for your home. With the right materials and a careful plan, you can easily build a stringerless stairway to add a unique touch to your space.
1. Are stringerless stairways safe?
When built correctly and with the appropriate materials, stringerless stairways can be just as safe as traditional stairways with stringers.
2. How do I ensure the stability of a stringerless stairway?
It is important to carefully plan and measure the construction of a stringerless stairway to ensure proper support and stability. Consulting with a professional or following reliable DIY guides is recommended.
3. Can I customize the design of a stringerless stairway?
Yes, stringerless stairways offer a great deal of flexibility in design and can be customized to fit the style and aesthetic of your home.
Here's a playlist of easy to build stairs that might be helpful,
How could I attach these stairs to a ledger board? Would the ledger need to be incorporated into the stairs beforehand? Would a support at each end and one in the middle be adequate for 48 inch stairs? What if I were using 5/4 inch decking for treads instead of 2×6’s? Many thanks!
Thanks for this. Love all the visuals as you describe it. I had read somewhere that 16 – 18" is the most distance you want to put between stringers. Does this apply when you build using your "series of 2×4 boxes" approach? My 4 step staircase width is 38", it's for a garage, and I didn't intend on putting the kickplates on it. Should I be adding one to the middle?
Great video , very clean
Do i need to put the backboard on the steps. Its for temp steps for a 30 inch high pool
How do u do a 4 step
I need to build free standing stairs for a wrestling ring. This is perfect thank you!
I need some temp steps for my deck and these are the perfect solution.
D amn thats some weak ass stairs. Waste of money and time. I should come find you and bill u.
You just hit the nail on the head for me, super idea, "works for me"
How wide is the first example?
Absolutely love this How do you calculate the sizes for the frame?
This is awesome, needed temporary steps to cover some brick steps on my old patio. 3 flights, 20 inches high, took 90 minutes with a circular saw, deck screws, and wood glue. Used all 2x4s instead, even for the step landing.
Wow good stuff just what I was looking for
Can I do this framing with 4 steps?
Stabilisation! Stability
Wood prices are sky high at the moment and these stairs are perfect for my situation. What a great design, thank you.
Who the hell would buy a book on stairs when you can go to university of YouTube
Would like to say thanks for this video. I made a nice set of steps by following this video. I tried to comment with a picture but had no luck
Which book relates to this video?
I want to do something like this but I want it on an outer corner of my deck so it has a sort of wrap around look. Any ideas?
heack yeah love how simple it is, been learning how to build everything beacuse me and my husband are buying a shed to make it into a tiny house and we need stairs to get to the lofts. thought it would be difficult to make them, but i know ha e the confidence in making them myself!
I'd love to have a copy of that book, I have subscribed to your channel and would love to know when it's available. I have M.S. yet since a house fire in 2013, I have had no place of my own I have saved enough to have a ten by 20 with 3/4th's length loft..that the contractor's messed up to..the whole reason that I paid a lot more to have a deep a pitched roof was so it would be 12ft at the peak..yet I was sick in the hospital and couldn't wait to see what they were only they were only hired to to is build the structure and the loft..yet I cried as I only make 700.00 a week disability , and it took 3 long and hard year's to have it this way so my grandbaby's could come for sleep over's like before when I had my house..but they placed window's in wrong place's nothing like the blueprint's my sister and law was kind enough to make me to provide them..and me never wanting to hurt anyone's feeling's, when they asked me to leave a ting on their web pg. of how great it an idiot I did so..the love is 3/4's of the length but it's so tiny that I'm now saving to hire someone to fix it and drop it to the correct size! Only God know's when that will be..this was supposed to done in June..well now the holiday's are coming and going with nothing finished on the inside or the poarch and the loft is way to tiny for me to even has been so hard since loosing my husband at such an early age..he would have made sure that they did what we paid for, yet He was strong and I am so, I continue to go to God,,asking him to show me the right conclusions, for I can't and prove that over and over again..I have no idea how much longer that I will be homeless..but know that it will be in God's time and in order to save money I will continue to be homeless..and each time I pray..I pray God's will be done! I am so sorry for lingering and writing you a book,please forgive me as I got carried away! I do thank you for your video and look forward to reading your book,God bless you and and all those you hold dear and anyone who might read this also,with much thank's for your time and help in showing me how to do thing's I've never done before, May your day's be many and your I can't to be few, Gina James
I love it.
just what i need steps without stringers could you plz advise on the dimensions of the 1st frame in the video – i need to make some steps which i could use in the garage.
they need to be mobile to be used in various location's in the house and garage.. thanks terry
What are the dimensions? If I place these steps outside next to a concrete porch do I attach the steps to the concrete? What should I put underneath the stairs for support and to level the stairs from the ground?
what are the dimensions plz
Thank-you I think I can do this by myself! Awesome! Thank-you so much!
I just go to the local home improvement store and find the pre-cut stringer templates….grab the piece off the shelf…walk over and copy it onto the piece I need with a sharpie… then take that home and cut it out there. Whalah. But that's assuming the height and length are right for what you need.
Thanks. very helpful
I had a hard time figuring out the risers because the higth from the cement floor to the top to attach to the upper floor with video's that was provided it gave me ideas of what I could do and say within zoning codes thank-you