+ 20210414-Structure and Dynamics of Metallic Glass–Atomistic Insights from Neutron and Synchrotron Sc CSU Ltd, January 26, 2024January 26, 2024, Stepped Unit, 20210414Structure, Dynamics, GlassAtomistic, Insights, Metallic, Neutron, Synchrotron, 0 HKIAS Distinguished Lecture Series on Physics Title: Structure and Dynamics of Metallic Glasses – Atomic Insights … The...
+ EazyML: World’s First Transparent ML Platform. Get Insights into your Data! Easy to Use! CSU Ltd, January 22, 2024January 22, 2024, Stepped Unit, Data, Easy, EazyML, Insights, platform, Transparent, Worlds, 0 EazyML is the world’s first easy-to-use, easy-to-learn machine learning platform! We are on a mission to democratize the machine…...