Ark Ascended Mod Spotlight #moddedark #arksurvivalevolved #tbfgaming Mod link: …

Primal Chaos Ark Ascended is a new dino overhaul mod for the game Ark: Survival Evolved. This mod aims to bring a chaotic and primal feel to the game by overhauling the behaviors and appearances of various dinosaurs. The mod features new abilities, unique mechanics, and improved AI for the dinosaurs, making the gameplay experience more challenging and exciting.


Overall, Primal Chaos Ark Ascended offers a fresh and intense experience for players of Ark: Survival Evolved. The mod’s focus on chaotic and primal themes brings a new level of challenge and excitement to the game, making it an excellent choice for players looking for a different experience with the dinosaurs in the game.


Q: Is Primal Chaos Ark Ascended compatible with other mods?
A: The mod may have compatibility issues with certain other mods. It is recommended to check for compatibility before using the mod alongside other mods.

Q: Are there any known issues with Primal Chaos Ark Ascended?
A: Some players have reported occasional bugs or glitches with the mod. The mod’s developers are actively working to address these issues and improve the overall experience for players.

Q: How can I install Primal Chaos Ark Ascended?
A: The mod can be installed through the Steam Workshop for Ark: Survival Evolved. Simply subscribe to the mod and it will be automatically downloaded and installed for you.


  1. @TBFGaming 1 year ago

    Below are the spawn codes for every dino currently in the mod, but before that is the link the Primal Chaos Mod page::

  2. @Drcheetosxd 1 year ago

    I've added this mod on me server ive never had a server before so not 100% sure how to do it but im not seeing anything above 150 spawn in anyone beable help me out as want get the higher dinos. Would appreciate any help.

  3. @ApexForward 1 year ago

    Could I have the spawn code for the demonic dodo? Please

  4. @userttt6318 1 year ago

    so pretty much primal fear

  5. @ProR28 1 year ago

    Who knows when the bosse's will be updated?

  6. @brendang9490 1 year ago

    How do you have Fairy tier and Demonic Dodo??? they haven't been released yet.

  7. @user-qq2mo9ds2s 1 year ago

    There is no dragon in this mod ?

  8. @aceneto9386 1 year ago

    I can’t get this to work on Xbox it just crashes the server before you even get in over and over.

  9. @mrtnmlopez 1 year ago

    wait last i seen there were mythic in the mod. does anyone know if they are being taken out for the moment? or are they still in there and the legendary will be added later?

  10. @ShpitzGaming 1 year ago

    @TBF Gaming Did you install another mod to get the griffin model to look normal? In the base primal chaos mod, it has no textures on it and looks like a flying yellow box lol

  11. @lordkingaling4253 1 year ago

    I told my friend to increase the rates on his server but he said the Primal chaos mod is limiting the rates such as melee damage on tames. Is there a way to fix this? He said he can block it but it won’t let him.

  12. @beckthetinkerbot 1 year ago

    I honestly don't like this mod because the creatures only tame on special kibble which takes too long and is nearly impossible to make. They should just take on regular meat and berries.

  13. @CsrSpeed 1 year ago

    Is there a way to make dinos level 600 for console?

  14. @heatherkeller4805 1 year ago

    I can't make alpha kibble is it because I'm using fertilized eggs?

  15. @jakt3942 1 year ago

    the elemental tames are probably bugged they dont lay eggs. i've got pairs of hydro baryonyx and diplocaulus as well as a pair of lava raptors and after 3 real days gaming not a single egg. i've also got egg collectors dotted all over and collect everything from normal to mythical but not a single elemental anywhere, and ini settings are at max egg laying intervals

  16. @grogu4707 1 year ago

    I have 2 questions
    1. How do u tame the rock golem
    2. What are the spawn codes for all the eggs to make kibble

  17. @ChrisSmith-ew9fp 1 year ago

    I think this mod is what makes your character run when swinging and stuck if standing still… its frustrating

  18. @treysexton1624 1 year ago

    I’ve seen one primal chaos variant in over 4 hours of playing. The spawns are insanely low.

  19. @neverz4153 1 year ago

    Bro what do u use to tame them??

  20. @joshuamoller95 1 year ago

    Your Video is cool, but i need to say it reminds me too much of the mods primal fear and the eternal mod on ASE, it looks cool but for me its just a infusion of both mods

  21. @rahuldeepsingh55 1 year ago

    Is this similar to Primal Fear as in ASE?

  22. @davidkeeling5462 1 year ago

    I'd like to see your take on DoX 2

  23. @dnwmrwan160 1 year ago

    We wany ark supreme spotlight

  24. @jermainewilson9560 1 year ago

    I have 4 female hydro turtles and 1 male and they won’t produce any normal eggs I even have an oviraptor but nothing

  25. @NIIJIKIWENH 1 year ago

    Cool, by the time I get back home from overseas in April it show be almost complete. I can’t wait to play it for the first time. The hydro Dino’s should have the ability to drown and effect stamina depending of what the Dino is and or player. @TBFGaming, do you know if you can breed all the Dino’s you showcased ?

  26. @ItzPR57 1 year ago

    I have 2 mythics next to my base

  27. @nemesisofnameless 1 year ago

    You should use Awesome Spyglass mod. It is the best spyglass mod in both ASE and ASA

  28. @aandisegregate5208 1 year ago

    i hope they bring out boss summoners soon, but give the mod a few months and i think itll be as good if not better than ASE

  29. @ethanol8378 1 year ago

    2 unskipable adds =dislike

  30. @austinian1598 1 year ago

    I’ve been able to make kibble with fertilized eggs on PlayStation. Bug?

  31. @lukelever8794 1 year ago

    Im so keen to play these mods but my god im sick of the island map

  32. @Dr34dEnd3r 1 year ago

    Anyone here like pistol whip? I’m making an ark mod for it and I’m looking for tips on making it.

  33. @Dr34dEnd3r 1 year ago

    Why couldn’t I be born earlier or later??? Of course this game comes out right as I enter college!

  34. @Dr34dEnd3r 1 year ago

    How do you get spawn codes for these mods?
    Thanks for listing them but I’m wondering how you obtain them in the first place because I’m also interested in Annunaki asceded, supreme, Dino overhaul X2 and so on. The codes aren’t listed in the mods and the old file truck from ASE doesn’t work for me either. (But then again my computer likes to think it’s a console for some reason)

  35. @darkdraco02 1 year ago

    I think they removed the dragons. All mine are gone. Except the one i kept in a cryopod in my inventory. But the icon changed to a raptor and i cant deploy it

  36. @snazzythesnaz 1 year ago

    have you done arkitect structures remastered?

  37. @darhkgenesis2986 1 year ago

    What are the spawn code for the demonic

  38. @user-vf9nv3qb2i 1 year ago

    love your vids and the mods

  39. @user-zq6oo1jv4m 1 year ago

    Hey dose anyone know how to find the eggs to make the kibble

  40. @Sean-ws5ve 1 year ago

    Thx for this vid I was waiting for it!!! 🎉

  41. @R2R_Joker 1 year ago

    Any npcs mods

  42. @ableponce8599 1 year ago

    Primal Chaos is going to be one of the best mods that really takes the vanilla side of your world
    and infuses it with real chaos and it will make you ask your self as you explore the world, what is out there?

    Specially at night time and when going to the deep ocean. The base game in ASA is better than ASE being
    that High level creatures will do damage to your dino unlike in ASE where you stomp on all creatures including
    the high level ones.

    Primal Chaos is taking it to a new level of fear, I lost my lv-280 Argen to a lv-10 elemental therizno, and this
    creature was on a different level of aggresion. My Argen had 50k hp, 3 hits and my Argen was on 10% hp O_o

    The Therizino followed me for such a long distance unlike other creatures that loose aggro once you fly away, but not
    with this elemental, once I landed I got on my T-Rex and started attacking it.
    You would think that he will loose aggro on my Argen and focus on my T-Rex, but nope he was set out to kill and eat
    my Argen to then turn and fight my T-Rex lol.

    I took the mod out being that I am trying to beat the main boss, I was clearly not ready for Primal Chaos lol.

    The mod helps you realize that no matter how high level your creatures are, there is always a creature out there that can
    kill or hurt your dino.
    I will install it again tomorrow after I get the boss fight done, then all I got to say is one thing>>
    Let the Chaos begin

  43. @tylercline9091 1 year ago

    Bro spelled chaos wrong for the thumbnail

  44. @onyoursix8408 1 year ago

    Hi, does load order matter in ark and if so what should we know?

  45. @kuroiky 1 year ago

    when the update comes out

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