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Oxide glass structure refers to the arrangement of atoms in oxide-based glasses. These glasses are composed of oxygen and other elements such as silicon, boron, and aluminum. The arrangement of atoms in oxide glass structure can greatly affect the properties of the material.


The structure of oxide glass plays a critical role in determining its properties. By understanding and manipulating the arrangement of atoms in oxide-based glasses, it is possible to tailor their properties for specific applications.


What elements are typically found in oxide-based glasses?

Oxide-based glasses are composed of oxygen and other elements such as silicon, boron, and aluminum.

How does the structure of oxide glass affect its properties?

The arrangement of atoms in oxide glass can greatly affect properties such as strength, transparency, and thermal expansion.


  1. @nulage07 1 year ago

    This professor is very knowledgeable in this area.

  2. @beyondboundaries2 1 year ago

    Hello .. very informative lecture. Could you please recommend a software that can predict glass properties based on structural component and composition ranges?

  3. @spsingh67 1 year ago

    Very informative class on Structure of Oxide Glass

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