Processing of non-metals by Dr. Indradeep Singh, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Roorkee. For more details…


This lecture discusses the structure and properties of glass. It explains how the random arrangement of atoms in glass leads to its unique, amorphous structure. It also explores the properties of glass, including its transparency, hardness, and brittleness. The lecture concludes by highlighting the key differences between glass and crystalline materials.


Glass has a unique amorphous structure due to its random arrangement of atoms. This structure gives glass its properties such as transparency, hardness, and brittleness. These properties differ from those of crystalline materials, making glass a distinct material with specific uses and applications.


Q: What gives glass its unique structure?

A: Glass has a random arrangement of atoms, leading to its amorphous structure.

Q: What are some properties of glass?

A: Glass is transparent, hard, and brittle.

Q: How does the structure of glass differ from that of crystalline materials?

A: The structure of glass is amorphous, while crystalline materials have a regular, repeating arrangement of atoms.


  1. @eshutoshnayak4312 1 year ago

    what a great way of teaching i love to study more subjects from you.

  2. @aji9040 1 year ago

    Topic starts from 5:45

  3. @dccreation425 1 year ago

    What is the glass ore

  4. @jawadahmed6034 1 year ago

    Can anybody please give the full playlist of glass?

  5. @BC-yr6eg 1 year ago


  6. @beyondboundaries2 1 year ago

    Hello .. very informative lecture. Could you please recommend a software that can predict glass properties based on structural component and composition ranges?

  7. @sajjadahmad2734 1 year ago

    Sir I am BS student is this important for industrial chemistry paper.

  8. @Maps4346 1 year ago

    Great Lesson !

  9. You told us very important things in very easy nd clear manner.
    Great sir!!

  10. @Maviael_eks_nine 1 year ago

    what the heck is this language??

  11. @aakash1533 1 year ago


  12. @pankajmaurya5326 1 year ago

    Awesomely explained sir….thnx a lot.

  13. @bsen066 1 year ago

    What about of Al2O3 ? Please mention also Al2O3 role in Glass as one of the constituents

  14. can you mention the general thermal conductivity range of the glass

  15. @Krishanaoffical 1 year ago

    Thank you sir

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