Hello viewers and friends, credit to my friend Claire❤️ who sent me to share her opening with you. This is what you…

Recently in LifeAfter, a limited time building Gacha was introduced where players can spend $100 to get a Glass structure. This Gacha allows players to spend real money for a chance to obtain exclusive in-game items. The Glass structure is a unique and luxurious addition to the in-game buildings.


Spending $100 on the Glass structure Gacha can provide players with a chance to obtain a special and exclusive building for their in-game world. However, it is important for players to carefully consider whether or not they want to spend real money on virtual items.


Q: Is the Glass structure Gacha worth the $100 investment?

A: This ultimately depends on the individual player and their personal preferences. Some players may find it worthwhile for the chance to obtain exclusive in-game items, while others may not see value in spending real money on virtual items.

Q: Are there any alternative ways to obtain the Glass structure?

A: Currently, the Glass structure is only available through the limited time building Gacha, but it may become available through other in-game events or promotions in the future.


  1. @vslifeafter3812 11 months ago

    Stef op :3 ♥

  2. @aylarnrz1481 11 months ago

    Ouuuuuuuuuu richhhhh babyyyy

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