Built by architect Philip Johnson between 1949 and 1995, the Glass House in New Canaan, Connecticut has become a place …

Julian Schnabel at Philip Johnson’s Glass House

Julian Schnabel at Philip Johnson’s Glass House

Julian Schnabel, a renowned artist, displayed his artwork at Philip Johnson’s Glass House in a special exhibition. The exhibition featured Schnabel’s large-scale paintings and sculptures in the unique setting of the Glass House, creating a distinctive and immersive experience for visitors.


The collaboration between Julian Schnabel and Philip Johnson’s Glass House provided an opportunity for art enthusiasts to appreciate Schnabel’s work in a one-of-a-kind setting. The breathtaking combination of art and architecture made the exhibition a truly memorable experience.


1. What was the focus of the exhibition?

The exhibition focused on Julian Schnabel’s large-scale paintings and sculptures.

2. What made the setting of Philip Johnson’s Glass House unique for the exhibition?

The combination of Schnabel’s artwork and the iconic architecture of the Glass House created a distinctive and immersive experience for visitors.

3. Why was the collaboration between Schnabel and the Glass House significant?

The collaboration provided an opportunity for art enthusiasts to appreciate Schnabel’s work in a truly unique and breathtaking setting.


  1. @atozzerotoninedude 1 year ago

    He didn't wipe his shoes off.

  2. @sr-kt9ml 1 year ago

    That art was horrid

  3. @jayess6318 1 year ago

    Rectangular structure with glass walls!
    I like it but for this man to be treated as a God of Architecture for what any amateur designer or architect could scribble within 20 seconds is a bit overkill!

  4. @canadude6401 1 year ago

    "when I sit around in here, I see Philip dealing with the rectangle, dealing with a straight edge and how that butts up against nature.
    In between those two things, a human being can kind of navigate what their needs are every day."
    This statement gets me thinking that many humans have it backwards. They fill their homes with consumerism and "stuff" with no soul.
    We don't need 80% of the things we own to have a purposeful and meaningful life. Just being closer to nature seems so much more desirable.
    I'd love to live a part of my life in seclusion like a home like this…just to experience a different lifestyle.
    There is something to be said for the practice Monks have. Even some 20-30 year olds sell all their stuff and live in a van.
    I am a family man, but part of my soul is drawn to an introverted life where I can be creative without distractions of modern life.

  5. @MisterMcKinney 1 year ago

    Why does he call it glass house?

  6. @fezkhanna6900 1 year ago

    gorgeous film

  7. @sebastianjuul6276 1 year ago

    is anyone gonna tell where to get the actual piano song jesus christ wtf nowness. gimmie!

  8. @Pedgo1986 1 year ago

    Talking about things having soul while sitting in sterile cold glass cube. Iam sorry but Morgue is more inviting and cosy then this abomination.

  9. @snowwhite-jt9cj 1 year ago

    Architecture with around trees 🌳 Glasses wall so beautiful 🤍…soul…✨

  10. does anyone know where i can find the piano track in the beginning

  11. @devsingh6321 1 year ago

    Blazer with tracks thats my way

  12. @tombradydid9114 1 year ago

    All of this "art" looks like a kid drew them.

  13. @montana-tude8214 1 year ago

    Boring ugh thats like a prison

  14. @brandoncook2569 1 year ago

    love julian. a living legend in the world of art.

  15. @Landphoo 1 year ago

    I love the music sound ….trying to find the name of music…

  16. @colette8694 1 year ago

    Would love to know the total of the piano music

  17. @ericmcdowell5762 1 year ago

    I think the thought process that went into designing the "Glass House", is similar to the thought process that went into designing the "Emperors New Clothes".

  18. @buddhahoo1 1 year ago

    I felt a sense of peace the very moment the camera went inside the house. The bunker with art is nice, and I can see where one may need both, and the luxury of having both spaces is a blessing. The God given light is so magnificent and I feel like Johnson let it guide him.

  19. @NotAnAngryLesbian 1 year ago

    That was pleasant.

  20. @eduardochavacano 1 year ago

    no walls to hang paintings, yeah.

  21. internet historian would be pleased with your gift

  22. Wow

  23. @BuildMagic 1 year ago

    I used to play in that house as a boy..

  24. @theressamurphy2996 1 year ago


  25. @jrsmuse 1 year ago


  26. Please don't interrupt me while I'm dealing with the rectangle.

  27. @AGdesign1 1 year ago

    Un charlatán visitando una obra mal copiada, de alguien que ni era historiador ni arquitecto. Pobre en los detalles y fatuo como una banana. Perfecta muestra de los tiempos.

  28. Esto deveria tener millones de vistas

  29. OMG where is this placd on earth?

  30. @thatsmean2929 1 year ago

    Im like, thata cool house. Just wait until a hailstorm

  31. @SirBoot32 1 year ago

    I imagine this guy is nearly intolerable at a dinner party.

  32. @deesee6009 1 year ago

    Great movies, terrible paintings

  33. @giovannalepore5946 1 year ago

    What bothers me about these glass structures are the amount of songbirds who run into the windows and die – so is it a really a structure within nature?

  34. @chancellor170 1 year ago

    This is quite possibly the worst demonstration of a property that I have seen in my entire life.

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