Check out our stair installation! A few weeks ago we installed a brand new oak and glass staircase in our factory…

Installing a new oak and glass staircase involves carefully planning the design, measuring the space, and selecting the appropriate materials. The first step is to remove the old staircase and prepare the area for the new one. This may involve repairing any damage to the walls or floors. The next step is to measure the space accurately and create a detailed plan for the new staircase. Once the design is finalized, the oak and glass materials can be ordered and the installation can begin. This involves assembling the staircase and securing it in place. Finally, any finishing touches, such as painting or varnishing, can be applied to complete the installation.


Installing a new oak and glass staircase can add a modern and elegant touch to any home. It requires careful planning and precise measurements, but the end result is a stunning addition to the space.


Q: How long does it take to install a new staircase?

A: The timeline for installing a new staircase can vary depending on the complexity of the design and the size of the space. It is important to allow for some flexibility in the schedule to account for any unexpected issues that may arise during the installation process.

Q: Can I install a new staircase myself, or do I need to hire a professional?

A: While some homeowners may have the skills and experience to install a new staircase themselves, it is often best to hire a professional contractor for this type of project. They can ensure that the staircase is installed correctly and safely.



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