In this Minecraft tutorial I will show you how to make an Iron Farm in Minecraft 1.15 that also works in Minecraft 1.14.4.

How to Make an Iron Farm in Minecraft 1.15 & 1.15.1


This HTML content provides a tutorial for creating an iron farm in Minecraft 1.15 and 1.15.1. The tutorial is presented by Avomance and includes step-by-step instructions for building the iron golem farm in the game.


Creating an iron farm in Minecraft can be a valuable asset for obtaining iron in the game. By following the steps provided in the tutorial, players can effectively build their own iron golem farm and improve their resource collection.


Q: Do iron golem farms work in other versions of Minecraft?

A: While this tutorial is specific to Minecraft 1.15 and 1.15.1, similar principles can be applied to other versions of the game with some adjustments.

Q: How long does it take to build an iron golem farm?

A: The time required to build an iron golem farm can vary depending on individual skill and experience. However, following the tutorial can help streamline the process.


  1. @keeffATmyplace 1 year ago

    My villagers keep disappearing, why would that happen please?

  2. @o0KugelkaktuS0o 1 year ago

    Does this work in 1.16?

  3. @TheWardog1234 1 year ago

    The villager pod needs 4 villagers in 1.15.2! just box them in a little larger area and put in another bed and workstation. make sure to have trapdoors down so they can see the zombie. breed the villagers to make another. This instantly fixed my problem.

  4. @4jayco 1 year ago

    You gotta warn us about breaking some blocks that we already put down and warn us about tedious things like how we actually need 3 villagers

  5. @TropsPlays 1 year ago

    This is great and all but there's problems with it. this only works during the night, I've build it 3 times now and it's always the same. Never works during the day as the zombies can't see the villagers during the day, only when they're in there beds the zombies can see them. Love your videos Avomance but this was a waste of time imo

  6. @dylanomalley6952 1 year ago

    THIS DOES NOT WORK IN 1.15.2 you must have 4 villagers. I’ve wasted hours in my survival world building this until I went to a creative testing world only to find you just add a fourth village to make an iron golem spawn

  7. @syi666 1 year ago

    this farm doesn't work. I wasted a day building this

  8. @BigSushoLV 1 year ago

    hey guys i dont know where to afk. could anyone tell me where i could stand so the golems spawn?

  9. @lukasp.5243 1 year ago

    Hey guys! Got problem! V: 1.15.2 and not working! Actually sometimes it does but not so often! Any fix please? >.<

  10. @miastogniewu9425 1 year ago

    wow, this iron farm is insane. I received 2 stacks iron blocks per hour

  11. @stinktier2676 1 year ago

    My zombie is not chasing the villiger bruh

  12. @stinktier2676 1 year ago

    Build a villiger farm first then you can trend port them better

  13. this is the first video I watch from your channel WHY DO YOU SOUND LIKE GORDON RAMSAY

  14. The zombie doesn’t seem interested in the villagers is that ok

  15. @wyattskipper4424 1 year ago

    It has been a few Minecraft days and they iron golems are still not spawning.

  16. Question: does it work underground?

  17. @zachlap3020 1 year ago

    A few questions
    1.if i made my iron farm over a village, will it affect my spawn rates?
    2.if the villager pods are one block Closer or one block higher will that affect my spawn rates?

  18. @Pro_DRIFTZ 1 year ago

    does it matter what villagers because I have all farmers and barely any spawn

  19. @tripleGandhi 1 year ago

    Hello i built everything correct with an add of docm77's pod(waterloged source a the bottom of the pod for the line of sight) BUT villagers keep geting out of their pod???? any solutuion please

  20. @logangoldberg4723 1 year ago

    I’m in 15.2 and nothing is spawning

  21. he talks like gordon ramsay

  22. @ducklingmydude1239 1 year ago

    I'm sorry but it work awfully for me at least it hardly produces any iron

  23. @lukevalentine5780 1 year ago

    spent 5 hours of building and troubleshooting for it to now work…….

  24. @scrubbergun 1 year ago

    I’d just like to give a shoutout to @sublemeh he helped fix all my problems with this build. Iron golems now spawning through day and night all the time thanks to him go check his comment if you need help🤩🤞👌

  25. @cdomick 1 year ago

    This isnt working for me when i place water on the lower tier it only travels 6 blocks instead of the 8

  26. @sdurr5 1 year ago

    I’m in 1.15.2, i’ve done everything right but no golems are spawning.

  27. @deyishaan 1 year ago

    2 of my villagers per pod are taking professions, but never the third. Any fixes?

  28. does this work in bedrock?

  29. @IntrepidGolfers 1 year ago

    Only one of the windmills wings produced golms, any reason for this?

  30. @cdragoneer 1 year ago

    mine is'nt spawning Iron Golems. I followed the tutorial exactly. I'm in 1.15.1 any idea why?

  31. @ryanon75hz66 1 year ago

    anyone know if this works on 1.16

  32. This farm refuses to work for me, does it account for the Cat Cap, and how Cats seem to spawn literally everywhere for no reason?

  33. @icocci318 1 year ago

    thank you so much

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