Tom Silva and Kevin O’Connor build a corner staircase on the new back deck of the Lexington home. Then Kevin and Norm Abrams…

Here are the steps to build a pyramid deck stair:

  1. Mark the stairs location
  2. Notch the stringers and attach the treads
  3. Complete the stair assembly
  4. Install the stairs and cut the treads to size
  5. Add battery-operated lights in each tread

Conclusion: Building a pyramid deck stair is a great way to add an attractive and functional feature to your outdoor space. By following these steps, you can create a sturdy and visually appealing staircase that will enhance the overall look and usability of your deck.


Q: How long does it take to build a pyramid deck stair?

A: The time it takes to build a pyramid deck stair can vary depending on your level of experience and the complexity of the design. However, it typically takes a few days to complete the project.

Q: What materials do I need to build a pyramid deck stair?

A: You will need pressure-treated lumber for the stringers and treads, as well as screws, a circular saw, a speed square, and a drill.


  1. @DustinPlatt 1 year ago

    That's a really cool staircase and looks like a shit ton of work but the details used are awesome and looks like it'll last for 50 years.

  2. @Dominator37 1 year ago

    Really cool guys… ! So many ways to do these projects…! Love your experience showing some great ways to keep the miter cuts in place for years to come..! ❤

  3. @superandy89 1 year ago

    No flashing tape on top of the stringers or joists. Would anyone here want to seal those cuts for longevity?

  4. @artistnumber12 1 year ago

    My whole body hurts watching this

  5. Very skilled guys. Thanks for the lesson😁👍

  6. @jasonleeker8538 1 year ago

    Why don't you glue the miter joint with titebond 3?

  7. @ForrestColeman 1 year ago

    No joist hangers? No joist tape??

  8. @davebenson1021 1 year ago

    You two (Norm & Tom) have the most amazing skill levels ! I have learned so much from both of you over the years. Thank you

  9. @Tac-Chain 1 year ago

    Are the corner stringer two 2×12 put together

  10. @artdeco5464 1 year ago

    doesn't the building code require railings for stairs over 3' or 4' high?

  11. @clintonjewell7115 1 year ago

    Excellent work , but too much for me to handle …….

  12. @normanjacques4092 1 year ago

    Thanks. Great work. I've been doing this for 35yrs. Its always nice to see someone else's take on things. Im starting one of these in a couple of weeks 😅😅

  13. @ozzstars_cars 1 year ago

    I know Norm installed joist hangers on those stringers before installing the treads and risers.

  14. @gregpaterson330 1 year ago

    Why didn’t you wax the cut ends of the ipe

  15. @slippinslidewayz 1 year ago

    That's Norm!? I'm glad to see him! I haven't seen him since I was a kid in the 90s watching This Old House with my Dad.

  16. @kylewilson9457 1 year ago

    How’d you determine stair depth

  17. @jdavidfigueroa 1 year ago

    really 1/8???????

  18. @kevinskogg2179 1 year ago

    45 degree triangle 1-1- √2.

    Run is 1.414 standard run.

  19. @drewratterman6342 1 year ago

    That hip stringer is a beast

  20. @19BT86 1 year ago

    I will be building stairs like this on my deck. Right now I plan on using Trex deck boards for the risers. I would like to use this 3/4" pvc instead but where can I get some?

  21. @erikvcampillo7699 1 year ago

    Beautiful Job.

  22. @brownpride5125 1 year ago

    Yea like I just watched this video now I can make those that easy you have to explain it not body will be able then do it🙄

  23. @MrDougfunny7 1 year ago

    8:48 already creaking.

  24. @ndocanto7921 1 year ago

    I need help building a 3 family porch.

  25. @jonhill373 1 year ago

    Awesome work Tommy

  26. @jackpast 1 year ago

    Hope the homeowners set up a webcam so we can watch the first drunk uncle roll down those steps!

  27. @jtltet 1 year ago

    Holy crap!! Talk about overkill with the footing for the stairs.

  28. @TheAavelar007 1 year ago

    15 gauge this a joke

  29. @BigAlWillis 1 year ago

    I paused at 5:20 & realized there's no way I could build that. impressive

  30. @johannienel1 1 year ago

    Why on earth would you nail and not screw the top step planks in place. Sure you used some glue but stainless steel deck screws are way better. The finished job looks awesome.

  31. @moroniaholea8249 1 year ago

    Why go through all that work just to use a finish nailer to set it in place?

  32. @RH-ms5ui 1 year ago


  33. @jetcitysinatra7300 1 year ago

    I have watched you guys for a long time and Tom you get better looking with each new year. You all look better. It is like actors that get better as they get older. I am an artist and love to draw people.

  34. @jordanas3750 1 year ago

    Can I ask a question, why did you nail the stair treads in? I ask because during staining my deck I noticed all the treads are screwed in along with the deck treads. Did they screw up my construction of so what should I do? Yes I fix everything in my house that I can

  35. @abdorakeebnaji1527 1 year ago

    Lot of work, lot details but at the end what a tremendous job.i like it 1👍

  36. @joesconstllc 1 year ago

    🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨3:09 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨
    Where is the explanation on how to cut that 45 stringer?? There is nothing on the internet that helps people like myself do the most complicated scenario which is the corner of the stringer ❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓

  37. @johnjerrehian4642 1 year ago

    Why don't the stringers get supported by hangers like on a floor joyce? they are being held by a few screws vs a metal hanger…

  38. @sfisher6846 1 year ago

    No blocking between stringers?

  39. @joshgamez3685 1 year ago

    Next episode: how to pour a foundation for your house.

    As a professional carpenter I am slightly biased, but these sort of projects should NOT be attempted by a homeowner. Tommy and Norm obviously make it look easy but I can assure you those cuts are not easy. Good way to burn money in wasted lumber. Especially that IPE decking.

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