There’s no challenge you can’t overcome through the power of friendship and human sacrifice VOD & Synopsis Playlist: …

FE11 H5 Step 6: Overcome challenges with human wave tactics

In this step, players are encouraged to use human wave tactics to overcome challenges in FE11 H5. This involves sending waves of units to the front lines to overwhelm and wear down enemy forces.


Human wave tactics can be effective in overcoming challenges in FE11 H5, but players should also be mindful of the risks and potential downsides of this strategy.


1. Are human wave tactics the best approach in all situations?

It depends on the specific challenges and terrain. Human wave tactics can be effective, but players should consider other strategies as well.

2. How can I minimize the risks of human wave tactics?

Players can minimize risks by carefully planning their unit placement and movements, and by providing support for their front-line units.


  1. @Excelblem 1 year ago

    Check out the stream vods and the previous episodes here:

  2. @xyannail4678 1 year ago

    Marth: "Kill every last one of them!"

  3. @KoopaKoot 1 year ago

    This is how Emiya Kiritsugu would play

  4. All he needs is Marth and Gordin, everyone else IS replacable.

  5. Ah I see, from the Zapp Branigan school of defeating the killbots by maxing out their preset kill limit

  6. @cyncynshop 1 year ago

    Me laughing like a madwoman at 3 am:

  7. So child soldiers? Got it, this one shall go down in the military books so my continent doesn't get badly screwed as it does in the future, which isn't saying much.

  8. @whalesharker8297 1 year ago

    I like how Rickard is glossed over without showing his death quote like he's part of the replacement unit fodder. Although, now you don't have any thieves.

  9. @regojozsa 1 year ago

    I've never played this game, is it really that hard? How do replacement units work?

  10. @holdenstevens78 1 year ago

    "I'm not sending you to you deaths for victory I'm sending you to your deaths so your replacements can die for my victory"

  11. @roboticdonut 1 year ago

    "Some of you may die but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make."
    -Prince Marth

  12. @sagelordkami 1 year ago

    i feel like youve gotten better at talking if that makes sense, this sounds a lot better

  13. @kl3321 1 year ago

    you're not being cruel, you're just devoted to historical accuracy

  14. @wiytchery 1 year ago

    The big bad evil guy: Ho? Some peasants want to become my servants? Are you really that desperate? Where is your hero now?
    Peasants: Honestly, you are way less evil than him. I would rather stay in your dungeon than joining his army.
    Big bad evil guy: Bow before- Wait what?
    Peasants: He slaughtered waves after waves of his own units just to get through a corridor. He didn’t even looked down upon the fallen as he stepped over their lifeless bodies.
    Big bad evil guy: Jesus christ this is horrible. And Im supposed to be the evil one. Well shit everyone grab your weapons, someone has to put a stop to this guy.

  15. @Kryptnyt 1 year ago

    It's too bad Jagen died to a crit because we'd have promoted replacement units already

  16. @julianbruzon9447 1 year ago

    This is how you play Fire Emblem

  17. @glorpnorph6637 1 year ago

    How dare you kill Unil, the best waifu.

  18. @MemeMuseum23 1 year ago

    Who needs thieves when you have door key Marth?

  19. @windmage0168 1 year ago

    If they don't want to die, they should put in more work.

  20. @fadeleaf845 1 year ago

    Sacrificing minions: is there anything it can't solve?

  21. @spacemanspiff4777 1 year ago

    This is probably the only thing that I miss about the old games… It's nice when units are unique enough (with their own names and portraits) to bond with, but trash/quantity enough to make you question whether you should reset. Obvi if my boy Felix dies I'm resetting, I don't care how hard the map was or how close I was to beating it. But Julian…? Julian must die for his lord today.

  22. @angrybread478 1 year ago

    So i guess that means no Aum staff shenanigans

  23. @Princetopher_ 1 year ago

    Still sad about our main man Trim >:o

  24. @JaredClaunch 1 year ago

    I absolutely love this

  25. @TenaciousDingo 1 year ago

    Holy shit you're telling me FE11 made it actually optimal to sacrifice generics? That's incredibly based and historypilled.

  26. @jayck7686 1 year ago

    And so Marth started to use Soviet WW2 tactics

  27. @GoldLink364 1 year ago

    Gaiden chapter's gonna be fun

  28. @JRPizza 1 year ago

    Rest in Xestu, you did your bestu

  29. @LEGOALEX97 1 year ago

    I’ve been waiting for a WW1 FE game

  30. @Zackerton 1 year ago

    I'm surprise there isn't any generic called kamikaze or something like that

  31. @ExecuteScript 1 year ago

    POV: You’re Kempf

  32. @eriknorman1690 1 year ago

    This is the most cursed Shadow Dragon run I've ever seen, I love it.

  33. @dribble909 1 year ago

    Since Julian and Rickard are dead be EXTREMELY careful with your door keys, I did a run without them once and almost got softlocked due to a lack of key. (Not memeing)

  34. @randomuser5663 1 year ago

    Shadow dragon doesn’t sound that challenging now does it, you always get expendable units

  35. @BeTheHero905 1 year ago

    This is true optimal play

  36. @fluffy9071 1 year ago

    Darwin of Altea

  37. @SoundaSheep 1 year ago

    It was all part of his masterplan!

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