Looking to redo your staircase without high prices or a contractor then look no further than Patent Ole Iron Balusters.

Transforming your staircase in 3 easy STEPS!

Do you want to give your staircase a fresh new look? Here are 3 easy steps to transform it!

  1. Prepare the stairs: Start by removing any old carpet or paint from the stairs. Sand down any rough surfaces to create a smooth base for your new finish.
  2. Add a new finish: Whether you choose to paint, stain, or apply a new design to your stairs, this is the step where you can really get creative. Consider adding a pop of color or a unique pattern to make your staircase stand out.
  3. Update the railing: Consider replacing or updating the railing to complement the new look of your stairs. This can make a big difference in the overall appearance of your staircase.


By following these 3 simple steps, you can easily transform your staircase and give it a whole new look that will enhance the overall aesthetic of your home.


Q: How long will it take to complete this project?
A: The time it takes to complete this project will depend on the size of your staircase and the complexity of the finish you choose. Generally, it can take a few days to a week to complete.

Q: Do I need any special tools to do this project?
A: You may need some basic tools like a sander, paintbrushes, and a drill for updating the railing. However, the specific tools you will need will depend on the finish and design you choose for your staircase.


  1. @ocappyman2572 1 year ago

    ohhhh…the visible holes in the bottom of the handrail…

  2. @angep-og9oz 1 year ago

    Timber looked better, now it looks cheap and nasty

  3. @rachelbrown7739 1 year ago

    The staircase wasn’t “ruined” just because they replaced something that looked fine to yaw 🙄🙄 ppl of the interweb is so annoying. If you don’t like it keep scrolling, if it’s not what you’re looking for or need….find the video that fits your needs🤦🏾‍♀️

  4. @mskwared11 1 year ago


  5. @allanweir5972 1 year ago

    That’s not what I need. I need to know how to put the wooden ones and build a railing safe so I can go downstairs with a wooden staircase.

  6. @Arod06 1 year ago

    We’re can you buy those they look good would to know more about that product

  7. The old one is better

  8. @wrcthomas 1 year ago

    Wow, those black plastic feet look… Absolutely awful. Can't quite believe they removed simple, tasteful wooden spindles and replaced them with black plastic. Nicely complimented by the plastic Christmastimes! decorations though.

  9. @auntiedeedee1 1 year ago

    It would have been nice to see him pull the old spindles out

  10. @JEFFQUICKLE9 1 year ago

    These balusters come with a couple screws and a bolt. What is the bolt for?

  11. @Amazingme17 1 year ago

    How can you buy it? The website doesn't state it.

  12. @daisyortiz8099 1 year ago

    what's the size of the allen wrench to adjust the height?

  13. I love it. They cut the rails and the next thing you know is they’re gone.
    Geez…..Some people just don’t have a clue on how to make an instructional video!

  14. @SuperMan-ni7dp 1 year ago

    How did you remove the wood handrails after cut?

  15. @CaseyMorton1 1 year ago

    Um…You guys completely neglect the fact that the underside of the bannister has a bunch of unsightly holes!

  16. How to destroy the woodwork and reduce the value of your house in one easy and dumb step. This will not sell well.

  17. @gecko4310 1 year ago

    Yikes. What a waste. It was nice before.

  18. @238angela 1 year ago

    looked better before

  19. @mufuliramark 1 year ago

    I think that without a solid spindle, the two part spindle is going to make this a shaky staircase

  20. @fgfg633 1 year ago

    No decorative "cup" that goes over where it's attached to hide the screws?

  21. @chomp54321 1 year ago

    So ugly.

  22. 2:16 why is the new spindle not lining up with the original spindle that was removed. now you have exposed holes on the underside of the banister

  23. @hpinuk 1 year ago

    Looked better before.

  24. @alainleblanc4788 1 year ago

    Looked okay before. All it needed with that dark flooring on the stairs was a paint job in a deep taupe or black spindles.

  25. @ossef9712 1 year ago

    “Really needs a makeover”? Looks fine to me

  26. @rickcimino5483 1 year ago

    what about the old holes for the balusters? You can see after the first metal baluster went in that there were holes left from the wooden balusters. Easy to fix but I'm wondering why it was not shown.

  27. @GoldenWave 1 year ago

    How it looks is pure opinion, I love it. What I don't know is how you removed the white spindles after you cut them?

  28. @bludika 1 year ago

    Looks like shit lol

  29. @meltycube3834 1 year ago

    staircase was nicer at first , you just ruined it lol

  30. @toddh6234 1 year ago

    Looks nice, my only complaint is that it offers no support. The two pieces don't lock together anywhere. So it seems over time with kids playing on the stairs, normal rail usage of going up and down the stairs, etc. Seems like the hand rail would begin to sag. Needs a set screw or some other way to support the weight.

  31. @DrQuadrivium 1 year ago

    This is a quick and easy way to ruin a good staircase.

    How long before the next owners of the house restore it to the way it was originally?

  32. @saoirseclark 1 year ago

    Its Christmas! Stairs look great!

  33. @Ardee1 1 year ago

    Fucking project from hell it isn’t as easy as he’s making it 1st of all the basket balusters have to be cut the adjustment dnt go all the way through cause of the basket style so false advertisement

  34. @invisiblemansband 1 year ago

    Looks a lot better. But noticed some people saying it’s not “code compliant”… is that true? Is this going to be structurally safe?

  35. Why do all of the DIY only show staircases where the new iron balusters fit in exactly where the old wood ones were? There are many, MANY people who have much more complicated railing systems and things don't fit this perfectly. Would love to see a real life video of how to replace these.

  36. @erikgarcia3778 1 year ago

    But the main post remain antiquated should have changed for a more squares modern look the round spindled post are old news

  37. @joshaden6533 1 year ago

    Looks like shit

  38. @TorontoSupraMan 1 year ago

    Get it plum not level

  39. @mollyfilms 1 year ago

    How to ruin a staircase in 3 easy steps!

  40. @Bigshows93 1 year ago

    Imagine pulling a permit to do that, fuck outa here.

  41. @hyperlexis 1 year ago

    The mounting lugs look awful. Would have been better to strip or repaint existing.

  42. @meganperovic6405 1 year ago

    I think it looks great.

  43. @nomic50 1 year ago

    It looked better before

  44. @jimk5307 1 year ago

    Not code compliant in most cases. If the old ones exactly met the 4” between balusters required, then these will fail since they are not as thick/wide and will end up as >4” spacing between.

  45. @natvgal 1 year ago

    I would have liked to see the end result without decorations. Just hard to see it.

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