PX was founded in 2010 as ReviMedia by two demand-gen experts and best friends. France and Bass began with a mission…

PX is the first transparent customer acquisition platform that provides a unique combination of technology, data, and services to drive customer acquisition for businesses. It allows businesses to achieve full visibility and control over their customer acquisition efforts, resulting in better performance and higher quality leads.

With PX, businesses can access a wide range of tools and services, including lead scoring, lead verification, and real-time analytics, to optimize their customer acquisition strategies. The platform also offers a marketplace where businesses can connect with trusted partners and sources to expand their customer acquisition efforts.

Overall, PX is revolutionizing the customer acquisition industry by providing businesses with the transparency, control, and access to resources they need to succeed in acquiring and retaining customers.


In conclusion, PX is the leading transparent customer acquisition platform that is revolutionizing the way businesses acquire and retain customers. With its innovative combination of technology, data, and services, PX empowers businesses to achieve better performance and higher quality leads, ultimately driving growth and success.


What sets PX apart from other customer acquisition platforms?

PX stands out for its transparency, providing businesses with full visibility and control over their customer acquisition efforts. It also offers a comprehensive range of tools, services, and a marketplace to optimize and expand customer acquisition strategies.

How can businesses benefit from using PX?

Businesses can benefit from using PX by achieving better performance, higher quality leads, and access to trusted partners and sources through the platform’s marketplace, ultimately driving growth and success in customer acquisition.

What makes PX a revolutionary platform in the industry?

PX is revolutionary because it addresses the key challenges in customer acquisition, including transparency, control, and access to resources, to empower businesses to succeed in acquiring and retaining customers.



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